
Valet is a Laravel development environment for macOS minimalists.


Follow the install docs.

Afteward, run valet trust to avoid constat password prompts.


Managing Valet

valet start Start the Valet daemon.
valet restart Restart the Valet daemon.
valet stop Stop the Valet daemon.
valet uninstall Uninstall the Valet daemon entirely.

Run valet stop before enabling other environments which use the same ports (MAMP/Docker/etc).

Managing sites

The link command

  1. Navigate to folder: cd ~/path/to/site/root
  2. Run valet link {linkName}
  3. The site will be available as: http://{linkName}.test
valet link {linkName} Add a linked directory.
valet links View all of your linked paths.
valet unlink {linkName} Remove a linked directory.

The park command

I don’t use valet park at all.

  1. Navigate to folder: cd ~/path/to/sites
  2. Run valet park
  3. Each sub-folder will be available as: http://foldername.test
valet park Link all sub-folders as: http://foldername.test
valet paths View all of your “parked” paths.
valet forget Run this command from a “parked” directory to remove it from the parked directory list.

Managing databases

Download DBngn for simple database management on macOS.

  • Username: root
  • Password: “

Securing sites

Command Outcome
valet secure hobbiton https://hobbiton.test
valet unsecure hobbiton http://hobbiton.test

Sharing sites

  1. Navigate to the site’s path in terminal.
  2. Run valet share.
  3. Copy the site URL.
  4. Type Control + C to stop sharing.

Switch PHP version

See PHP.


Fix local SSL/TLS certificate isn’t trusted

  1. Open “Keychain Access” (Mac app).
  2. Search for “valet”.
  3. Delete all saved certificates related to Valet.
  4. Update the valet package: composer global require laravel/valet
  5. Run valet install.
  6. Run valet links and screenshot for reference.
  7. Remove old config:
rm ~/.config/valet/CA/*
rm ~/.config/valet/Certificates/*
rm ~/.config/valet/Nginx/*
rm ~/.config/valet/Sites/*

Then manually valet link and valet secure to create local sites again.

Reference: Github: laravel/valet, Issue 296