
These are NPM or Yarn commands, which means they’re all visible in package.json.

Local server

Build and start the local dev server:

# Generate artifacts
yarn run build

# Start PWA server
yarn run watch:venia

# Start PWA server with storefront hot-reloading and concurrent Buildpack/Peregrine rebuilds
yarn run watch:all

Code standards

# Lint JavaScript
yarn run lint

# List files different from Prettier formatting.
# Used in a CI pipeline to pipe output ahead on failure.
yarn run prettier:check

# List files different from Prettier formatting.
# Used in a pre-push Git hook to fail on error.
yarn run prettier:validate

# Write Prettier fixes to all files
yarn run prettier


# Validate GraphQL schemas and queries
yarn run validate-queries

Component library

# Start Storybook server
yarn run storybook:venia

Unit tests

# Start Jest tests for JavaScript
yarn run test