System Preferences
Note: only modified settings are documented. Otherwise the default is used.
Row 1
Appearance | Auto |
Show scroll bars | When scrolling |
Click in the scroll bar to | Jump to the spot that’s clicked |
Ask to keep changes when closing documents |
Desktop & screensaver
Desktop | Dynamic desktop (cliffside) |
Screensaver | Never |
Size | About 70% of screen width (depends on app count) |
Magnification | Off |
Position on screen | Bottom |
Minimize windows using | Genie |
Double-click a window’s title bar to zoom | |
Minimize windows into application icon | |
Animate opening applications | |
Automatically hide and show the Dock | |
Show indicator lights for open applications | |
Show recent applications in Dock |
Mission Control
Automatically rearrange spaces based on most recent use | |
When switching to an application, switch to a Space with open windows for the application | |
Group windows by application | |
Displays have separate Spaces | |
Dashboard | Off |
Hot Corners | |
Top Left | Mission Control |
Top Right | Mission Control |
Bottom Left | Desktop |
Bottom Right | Desktop |
Row 2
Users & Groups
Tab: Login Items
- aText
- Harvest
Pointer control
Mouse & trackpad
Click “Trackpad Options…”
Enable dragging (three finger drag) |
Security & Privacy
Enable FileVault for disk encryption.
Row 3
Software Updates
Check for updates |
Download new updates when available |
Install macOS updates |
Install app updates from the App Store |
Install system data files and security updates |
- Go to
Advanced > DNS
. - Remove existing DNS entries.
- Add
Enabled for mouse and keyboard.
Sound Effects |
Play feedback when volume is changed |
Tab: Keyboard
Key Repeat | |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-X |
Delay Until Repeat | |-|-|-|-|-|-|-X-| |
Tab: Shortcuts: Services
Services appear in the right-click context menu. Greedy applications think they’re important and clutter the menu.
Uncheck the following:
Files and Folders |
New iTerm 2 Tab Here |
New iTerm 2 Window Here |
Text |
Add to Evernote |
Open |
Show Info in Finder |
Tab: Shortcuts: App Shortcuts
Bury the MacOS “Minimize All” shortcut (OPTION + COMMAND + M) from interfering with Harvest menu-bar app.
Add a new custom shortcut:
Application | All Applications |
Menu Title | Minimize All |
Keyboard Shortcut | SHIFT + CONTROL + OPTION + COMMAND + M |
Tab: Input Sources
Show input menu in menu bar |
Point & Click | |
Look up & data detectors (force click with one finger) | |
Secondary click (click or tap with two fingers) | |
Tap to click (tap with one finger) | |
Click | Medium |
Tracking speed | |-|-|-|-|-X-|-|-|-| |
Scroll & Zoom | |
Scroll direction (natural) | |
Zoom in or out | |
Smart zoom | |
Rotate | |
More Gestures | |
Swipe between pages | |
Swipe between full-screen apps | |
Notification Center | |
Mission Control | |
App Expose | |
Launchpad | |
Show Desktop |
Also see Workspace: Hardware: Mouse
Scroll direction natural | |
Tracking Speed | |-|-|-|-X-|-|-|-|-|-| |
Scrolling Speed | |-|-|-|-|-|-|-X-| |
Double-Click Speed | |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-X-|-| |
Row 4
Tab: Display
Show mirroring options in the menu bar when available |
Tab: Display (MBP Built-In Retina)
Resolution | Scaled (center option, 1536 × 960) |
When did Apple start using a non-Retina resolution as the default resolution on their laptops? Rendering 1px of UI in 3.428571px instead of 4px is extremely unsettling to me 😅
— Adam Wathan (@adamwathan) December 20, 2019
The selected resolution here is the "right" one for Retina, the "Default" one is a fuzzy mess 🤮
I’m on the fence with this. The 16” MBP display has 3072 × 1920 physical pixels. Scaled @2x the resolution should be 1536 × 960 — so 1px lines are drawn with exactly 2px.
Apple made the default scaled resolution 1792 × 1120 — which means 1px lines are 1.7142855px. It’s fuzzy if you look closely, but most people won’t notice and downscaling provides 14% more screen space. That can be useful at times, but designers have to scratch this itch.
Most of the time, my MBP is docked as a secondary screen to my Pro Display XDR and sits in the far corner of my scale. Sharper lines don’t really matter, but lesser scaling is a benefit because it’s easier to read far from my lap.
Without a large external display, I would probably use the default scaling (1792 × 1120) for more screen space. But you couldn’t pay me to use a laptop display full-time. It’s horrible.
Tab: Display (Pro Display XDR)
Resolution | Default for display |
Tab: Night Shift
Schedule | Sunset to sunrise |
Tab: Battery
Turn off display after | 5 minutes |
Tab: Power Adapter
Turn off display after | 1 hour |
Prevent your Mac from automatically sleeping when the display is off | |
Wake for network access | |
Enable Power Nap while plugged into a power adapter |
Date & Time
Tab: Clock
Show AM/PM | |
Show the day of the week | |
Show date |
Computer Name: Aragorn (always named from LOTR)
Disable all sharing.
Time Machine
Exlude these items from backups: