
Function components

Function components have props but no state or lifecycle methods.

AKA presentational/simple/dumb components — because they don’t know the origin of the props they receive.

Cough — Not true anymore. Hooks (added in React 16.8) let function components access features like state, lifecycle, context, and refs.


function Welcome (props) {
    return <h1>Hello, {}</h1>;

Class components

Class components have props, state, and lifecycle methods. They’re almost always the parent of simple Components.

AKA container/smart components — because they’re aware of the application as a whole.


class Welcome extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return <h1>Hello, {}</h1>;

This slightly more complex example uses state and lifecycle methods:


CSS Tricks — Container components

This code is outdated, but the concepts are applicable.

  • Components that both fetch data and render are tightly-coupled.
  • Refactoring as two Components makes this more DRY and reusable.
  • Container Components (smart) source data and deal with state.
  • Presentational Components (dumb) receive state as props and render the view.

Advanced articles

Dan Abramov — How are function components different from classes

The difference is subtle and confusing. Read it twice. Try to demos to see the effect.

  • Function components capture the rendered values.
  • Class components using this can introduce bugs because this is mutable.

Dan Abramov — Why do we write super(props)?

  • super() refers to the parent class constructor(i.e. React.Component).
  • You can’t use this in a component’s constructor until after you’ve called the parent constructor.
  • Writing super(props) assigns props on the component’s instance, so this.props can be used in the constructor.